New Leaf Designs

Spectrum Happy Salve Labels

original pencil drawn bunny
original pencil drawn fox
original pencil drawn unicorn
original pencil drawn fog
purple bunny icon
fox icon
unicorn icon
frog icon
Velvet Bunny label
Hello, I love you label
Achy Breaky label
Feelin Froggy label
Velvet Bunny Tin
Hello, I Love You Tin
Achy Breaky Tin
Feelin Froggy Tin

My client needed labels for her new product and suggested I use clip art. Since I knew my client was also an artist, I suggested she draw the icons for her products and then I would convert them into graphic images. In the images above you can see the transformation from my clients hand drawn images to the final product labels. We used the colors and fonts from her logo and website to help product branding.

I also created a booklet in InDesign for the Salve. It's available to view on InDesign Publish: Happy Salve Brochure

Icons and Logo examples

Charlotte Civic Orchestra

Brahms treble clef
Brahms treble clef
Brahms treble clef
Brahms treble clef
Brahms treble clef
Brahms treble clef

When I work with a client, I like to use their assets in creative ways. Charlotte Civic Orchestra gave me copies of the posters they wanted to use to advertise their upcoming concerts. I used the posters in conjunction with a staff symbol created in Illustrator to personalize icons and buttons for their site. I also updated their name logo to help give their website a more modern design.

Graphic Design

Miscellaneous Graphics

Updated images for an electroplating book

electroplating motor generator
updated motor generator
electroplating diagram original
updated diagram

Cleaning up old family photos

old photo of woman on chair
cleaned up photo of woman
old family photo
cleaned up family photo
pink flower
Example of Photoshop masking
Season treble clef
Example Photoshop masking and custom brushes
can of cookiesf
Image for Christmas Cookbook
Garner treble clef
Logo example - Realtor Linda Hoverman O'Neal

Sample pages from Family Christmas Cookbook PDF that was created using a combination of Adobe InDesign, Photoshop, and Illustrator.

white flowers
lady bug
cat on table